The Silent People: A creepy piece of art found on Google Maps

This is a somewhat intimidating piece of art when hundreds of scarecrows are dressed like real people and stand on a wild field.

A strange work of art located on a barren field in rural Finland has recently caught the attention of the online community. Although this is a work that was created a long time ago, but recently, thanks to a free tool like Google Maps, the work has just started to spread.

Because quarantine and quarantine measures still apply in many countries around the world, people often spend time online looking for interesting places to visit after they are free to travel. . Many of them have used free tools like Google Maps to explore the online world, and as a result, quite a lot of strange places in the world have been discovered.

That’s probably the way many people have recently discovered ‘The Silent People‘. This is a somewhat intimidating piece of art when hundreds of scarecrows are dressed like real people and stand on a wild field.

From a distance, these straw scarecrows look like a completely silent army, all looking in the same direction, without moving and without any vitality. Looking closely, you realize that this army is made from wooden frames, covered with human clothes, straw-covered heads to simulate human hair.

Even knowing that these are just straw puppets, viewers still feel a little shudder when they see hundreds of silent people, especially when they accidentally see them on Google Maps.

It is known that this artwork is located on Highway 5, outside Suomussalmi in a rural region of Finland. After the work was spread on social networks, artist Reijo Kela, the creator of this work also received much attention from the online community. Surprisingly, this piece of art was actually created in 1988. ‘The Silent People’, also known as ‘Hiljainen kansa’, was originally located in a field in Lassila.

They were then moved to the Senate Square in Helsinko, followed by the banks of the Jalonuoma River, Ammansaari, and the group was finally settled in an empty field outside Suomussalmi in 1994.